The presence of hazardous materials in the end-of-life panels can result in significant pollution and health issues, if released into the environment. To close the loop in the energy cycle, the next mission of the solar panel industry is the safe disposal or recycling of end-of-life products. In the waste management hierarchy, however, re-use or value-added recovery/re-purposing is considered preferable to recycling.
The main contributor to the total weight of a typical crystalline silicon PV module is glass (75%), followed by polymer (10%), aluminum (8%), silicon (5%), copper (1%) and small amounts of silver, tin, lead, and other metals and components. Lead and tin, if leached into soil and groundwater cause health and environmental concerns, while copper, silver, and silicon present a value opportunity if recovered efficiently. So, the landfill option should be fully replaced with recycling to prevent environmental pollution and retrieve the valuable materials present in the panel.
Currently, however, recycling cannot be considered the economically favorable option, so economic incentives are required to accelerate this displacement. Among the valuable materials in the panel, silicon presents the best opportunity, given its considerably larger fraction and its ultra-high purity (99.9999% or six nines/6N). The solar-grade silicon from PV waste can be recovered for second-use applications in solar panels or repurposed for value-added application in the anode of the 3b generation of Lithium-ion batteries.
One industry's pain could be another industry's treasure
The ever-growing number of electric vehicles has presented a unique opportunity to the materials recycling world and waste management industry; and there may be room for used solar panels too. Today’s EV batteries are an essential part of the total EV cost (33% to 57% depending on the car), and materials production is the dominant contributor to the energy cost of making the batteries. Cost-cutting strategies rely heavily on innovations at the materials level, i.e. raw materials sourcing and processing.
While EV fans definitely welcome lower prices, setting mileage records is what makes headlines. In 2015, Elon Musk claimed that silicon in Model S batteries increased the car's range by 6%. Ever since, EV companies like Daimler and BMW have also been actively engaged in research and development programs to synthesize battery-grade silicon for EV applications. Silicon recovered from the solar panel may just be what they need.
Australia can play an even more influential role in supplying critical battery materials
Australia has always been placed well among the fast-expanding PV markets such as China, Japan, India, and the USA. Now with more than 2.3 million rooftop solar power systems installed across the country, we officially rank first.
The other thing we have in common with these countries is not, unfortunately, something to brag about: Recycling of end-of-life PV modules is not regulated in Australia. In fact, Europe is the only region that has a robust and transparent regulatory framework to support the PV recycling process. As of mid-2012, the recast WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) Directive 2012/19/EU mandates European countries to adopt PV waste management programs where producers are responsible for the take-back and recycling of the panels they sell.
The goal of these policies is to develop greener products, and make recycling more affordable and economically sustainable by leading producers to factor in the cost of the collection and end-of-life treatment of their products into the price paid by the consumers.
In Australia, we are working on it, throughout a national program led by the Victoria state and in close relation with the PV industry. The goal is to make recommendations to states, territories, and federal governments on a preferred national management approach. While the outlooks of the program are undoubtedly promising, accelerating the development of it may be critical. In fact, the criticality of the issue was recognised in 2015, when solar panels were identified as the fastest-growing e-waste stream without dedicated recycling infrastructure in the Victorian e-waste market flow and processing capacity analysis.
It is expected that more than 100,000 tonnes of solar panels will enter Australia’s waste stream by 2035. Is this a crisis or an opportunity? If you look up solar panel recycling in Australia, there are a number of services. However, mostly they can recycle less than 20% by weight – the aluminium frame and the terminal boxes. Recycling the remaining 80%, including the precious silicon, is not currently offered in Australia, but it does not have to remain like that.
You can only do what you can sell
While as users,we can’t do much but rely on responsible recycling businesses to properly dispose of solar panel waste, as scientists and engineers, we may be able to do more. Providing scientific evidence on the potential impacts and benefits of recycling PV panels could incentivize the government and industry.
Our collaborative study with The Group of Research in Energy and Environment from Materials (The GREENMAT) at the University of Liege in Belgium, provides such evidence. Evidence that in the future, end-of-life solar panels may prove to be a valuable secondary resource for a critical material in electric-vehicle batteries: Ultra-pure Nano-structured Silicon.
GREENMAT has been extensively engaged in industry/government-funded solar panel recycling projects led by Dr. Frederic Boschini, where efficient recovery of battery-grade silicon is one key focus.
The process of recycling silicon modules in Europe began more than a decade ago; however, the problem associated with most processes developed to date is that the recovery rate is not more than 80% and the value of the retrieved materials is not competitive compared to the originals.
GREENMAT, alongside other academic and industrial partners, has been involved in SOLARCYCLE, a project supported by the Wallonia region in Belgium, which investigated economic recycling solutions that can achieve a recovery rate of at least 95%.
Circular manufacturing
As part of this program, GREENMAT patented a greener, more cost-effective method of dismantling the PV modules; namely by avoiding the high temperatures (450-600°C) usually employed for burning the materials. GREENMAT’s hydrothermal recycling method, which is conducted at temperatures below 200°C prevents the combustion of halogenated-polymers and the vaporization of heavy metals such as tin, lead, and silver; hence avoiding the waste gas treatment step.
Just as important, the use of moderate temperatures prevented the melting and diffusing of metallic contacts components into other photovoltaic components, such as glass and silicon wafers, which bypass the purification steps necessary for the recovery of high purity silicon and glass. The simple and scalable dismantling process was tested on several PV brands, and advantageously offered clean glass, which was made available to relevant industries to evaluate the value of the recovered material.
We are excited about our latest discovery, published in the Journal of ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, which reports the simple and economic recovery of nano-structured silicon from end-of-life PV panels with demonstrated value-added applications in Lithium-ion battery.
Here at Monash University, the Lithium-Sulfur battery team and I, are even more excited as we believe that in addition to lithium-ion batteries, lithiated silicon-based anodes may also find application as alternatives for the highly reactive lithium metal in lithium-sulfur batteries.
In the ABC’s Utopia, Rob Sitch showed us how marketing becomes central to a utopian dream because “you can only do what you can sell”. As scientists, we cannot do much of marketing, but we can provide evidence that if you recycle properly, you can sell.
About the author
Dr Mahdokht Shaibani is an energy storage solution provider. She has expertise in materials synthesis, engineering, and scale-up for next-generation energy storage systems including lithium-sulfur batteries, silicon anodes, flow batteries, supercapacitors, and lithium-ion capacitors. She has a PhD in Mechanical Engineering, with a focus on energy storage from Monash University, Australia.
The views and opinions expressed in this article are the author’s own, and do not necessarily reflect those held by pv magazine.
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20 years is their rated lifespan almost all last twice that.
People replace old panels primarily because the tech in new panels produce a lot more power per square meter then old tech.
Most panels get resold or donated. landfilled.
Compare it to the tons of fly ash each panel prevented and you way ahead.
One 12 volt automobile battery has enough lead to make 100,000 solar panels. Let’s make sure we have a proper perspective.
But evil liberals mandated lead batteries be recycled and that’s destroying the internal combustion vehicle market by driving up the price of batteries needed to start engines!
Plus its killed millions of lead mining jobs and reduced lead miner deaths adding a huge burden on old age benefits!
Ignore the millions of pounds of discarded lead acid batteries, lost wheel weights, bullets from hunters and target shooting, and lost fishing weights floating free in our air and water. Worry about the tiny amounts of encapsulated tin-lead solder in panels over 20 years old!
Ignore the millions of pounds of discarded lead acid batteries, lost wheel weights, bullets from hunters and target shooting, and lost fishing weights floating free in our air and water. Worry about the tiny amounts of encapsulated tin-lead solder in panels over 20 years old!
This is modus operandi from the Fossil Fuel Playbook!
What’s the R-value of a solar panel? Find a way to use them for insulation somehow for the next 20-30 years. By then recycling systems will have advanced.
The reuse stream to consider is 5-10 years, in my opinion. 25 years from now, PV will almost certainly have moved on from silicon (to, e.g., perovskite or something we don’t yet know about). Likewise for battery technology.
Why not see it as a business opportunity to extend the life of pv panels? The power output only decreases by approximately 0.5% per year so the effective lifespans us much longer than the 20 years for quality panels…effectively more than 50 years
Large installations wanting to upgrade could hand them over to a reinstallers and facilitate this path by paying them what they would have paid to have the panels landfilled.
Doubling the operational lifespan would be a HUGE environmental benefit ( considering the large amount of embodied energy) and they could provide free and sustainable energy to communities around the world….. In homes, schools and medical clinics to mention a few.
It would be a good story, help people in need and our environment
Thats basically exactly what we do ( we send working panels to hard up countries for them to be reinstalled).. WA Solar Recycling
Is this really a problem? All because a panel reached the “end of its life” doesn’t mean it’s useless. Many off grid DIY installations use used panels. They will still produce around 70% after 25 years and will probably keep producing for 50+ years.
“Lead and tin, if leached into soil and groundwater cause health and environmental concerns, while copper, silver, and silicon present a value opportunity”
Tin is the most valuable industrial metal. It’s 3X’s more valuable than copper.
just sayin….
While it’s great that the nano-structured silicon can be useful in optimizing lithium ion batteries for “the ever growing number of electric vehicles” and it’s entirely necessary that we find markets for the recovered materials from pv recycling, I can’t help but point out that there was no mention of the current inability to recycle highly toxic lithium ion batteries in this article. Let’s get ahead of yet another “recycling crisis” and start talking about the new problems we are creating as we develop “new and improved” technology.
20 years end of life of a solar panel is not a problem because
1= panels produce valuable power after 20 years. Some times 70% to 80% which is better than the new production of Bgrade panels in soe countries.
2= we should look and realize the problems of a large number of papulation in the poor countries living without electricity. Their basic needs of electricity are very small, just DC powered fans and lights.
DC fans, lights are not costly than solar panels.
This is a great opportunity to serve the poor human being in the world.
In my country Pakistan a large number of people is living with out electricity in remote areas.
These degraded panels can lead to a bright future of poor farmers, they can install solar pumps to irrigate their crops and increase food production at low cost to the world. We have no issues like shortage of land to install low efficiency panels, here huge areas are not used for crop because of low output and havy expenses on irrigation.
3= these panels can be installed in remote areas path, road lamps, small helthcare units, vaccine fridge, etc.
Here every year hundreds of farmers die due to snake bite because vaccine is not available near by areas due to unavailability of electricity.
4= NGOs and other organizations can donate these panels to the students living without electricity.
In the science of glass and ceramics, silicon element can be tempered with and result of produced material subjected to properties test. ie add silicon element to specific portion of batch of glass type and heat, while the resultant product tested on out come of properties
Iam from India iwan to solar panels scrap