Fire brigade extinguishes fire at new hydrogen refueling station in Germany


The fire brigade in Gersthofen, Germany, has extinguished a fire at a new hydrogen filling station and prevented it from spreading, the organization said on social media. Gersthofen is a town in Bavaria, near Augsburg.

“According to current information, there was also a loud bang when the fire broke out. The fire department quickly brought the fire under control,” said the local police.

Tyczka Hydrogen inaugurated the station on June 17. The German company operates the filling station and supplies the green hydrogen. The station took nine months to construct.

“With hydrogen dispensers at 350 and 700 bar pressure, the filling station can refuel a wide range of vehicles – from cars, buses, and special vehicles to heavy trucks,” Tyczka Hydrogen said in a press release. “At the current stage of expansion, it can provide around 500 kg of hydrogen per day.”

Maximator Hydrogen supplied the filling station technology.

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pv magazine has contacted the fire brigade and Tyczka Hydrogen and is waiting for more details on the matter.

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